They’re cartoonists, that’s what they do

In an image posted to his Instagram account, cartoonist Michael Leunig drew a lone protester standing in front of a loaded syringe, mimicking the iconic “tank man” image of protest in China. An inset of the 1989 photo also appears in Leunig’s drawing. “Brilliant” and “spot on” applauded his fans.  Others described it as “pretty bad taste” and were disgusted that Leunig dare compare resistance to mandatory vaccination as being […]

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Rapidly destroying your child’s health and future

How have we arrived at such a low point where Australian kids are included in this insane experimental injection program. On August 27 the Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI) released recommendations on the use of COVID-19 vaccines in all young adolescents in Australia. The advice recommends children aged 12-15 be vaccinated against COVID-19 using Comirnaty (Pfizer). A summary of ATAGI recommendations includes: Vaccination against COVID-19 is recommended for all individuals […]

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Overactivation of platelets after COVID vaccine

Two weeks ago a number of European countries including Germany, France, Italy and Spain suspended use of AstraZeneca’s COVID-19 vaccine due to reports of dangerous blood clots in some recipients. They joined Denmark, Ireland, Thailand, the Netherlands, Norway, Iceland, Congo and Bulgaria in what is viewed as another setback for the European Union’s vaccination drive. The European Medicines Agency (EMA) found a number of “very rare cases” of “unusual blood […]

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Statement On Virus Isolation

Isolation: The action of isolating; the fact or condition of being isolated or standing alone; separation from other things or persons; solitariness. Oxford English Dictionary The controversy over whether the SARS-CoV-2 virus has ever been isolated or purified continues. However, using the above definition, common sense, the laws of logic and the dictates of science, any unbiased person must come to the conclusion that the SARS-CoV-2 virus has never been […]

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Unlicensed and unlisted adjuvant in the Moderna jab

  The Moderna jab is an unapproved vaccine that the US Food and Drug Authority (FDA) states may prevent COVID-19. The FDA authorized the emergency use of the Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine under an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA). However there is another crucial ingredient that is not listed by the FDA. The Moderna injection contains an experimental adjuvant which is in the patent and is yet to be licensed for use […]

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Once you see it, you can’t un-see it!

Classic psychological control techniques. Once you see it, you can’t un-see it! This description of the psychological control techniques in action right across the globe has been copied from an unknown source. Hypnotherapists have been noticing blatant hypnosis and NLP techniques being used by the government and state-controlled media. Listen to this: 👉Fractionation: You get them to do something not once, but again and again, increasing the level of intensity […]

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