media representation

‘Gardasil: Fast-Tracked and Flawed’ The Australian experience

I presented the following talk at the 4th Annual International HPV Vaccine Education Symposium held in Chicago May 22-26, 2019. Let’s face it without good health, life is very difficult. Over the years I’ve researched the sickness industry including the scandalous HIV/AIDS industry, the cholesterol myth and the statins scam; and felt the sorrow of the poor women left in pain and debilitated after their prolapses were treated with mesh […]

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Aluminium found in granulomas and lymph nodes of sheep after vaccination. A wake-up call like no other!

This week’s episode of The Highwire with Del Bigtree  featured a shocking new Vaxxed vs Unvaxxed Study. Del interviews Professor Lluis Lujan from the Department of Animal Pathology, Veterinary Faculty, University of Zaragoza, one of the authors of Cognition and behavior in sheep repetitively inoculated with aluminum adjuvant-containing vaccines or aluminum adjuvant only.

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Gardasil: Fast-Tracked and Flawed – the Australian experience

Gardasil: Fast-Tracked and Flawed The Australian experience Australia has its own special but scandalous place in the history of HPV vaccines now distributed to teenagers in over 130 countries. Australia might be regarded as the birthplace of Gardasil for it was Professor Ian Frazer and the late Jian Zhou who first produced an HPV virus-like particle at the University of Queensland. Australia was also one of the first countries to […]

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Autoimmunity following Gardasil

Have you noticed how many young girls who have become so unwell following Gardasil  report the worsening of their symptoms after the second shot. This research by Pompilio Martinez, MD from the School of Medicine, National University of Colombia explains why. Pompilio Martinez describes the neurological symptoms of 62 girls who were vaccinated against the human papilloma virus (HPV). The quadrivalent HPV vaccine Gardasil was given to 61 Colombian girls and and […]

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HPV vaccines for UK boys – why the change of heart?

A year ago I wrote a blog welcoming the news that the UK health officials were not recommending HPV vaccines for schoolboys. This was a win for boys and their parents. In the UK, The Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation(JCVI) had been considering whether to include boys along with girls in the current vaccination program since 2014. There were ongoing campaigns aimed at a ‘gender-neutral‘ approach to the vaccination, that […]

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Everything to be gained by breastfeeding, nothing to lose

In Natural Immunity and Vaccination, Tetyana Obukhanych, Ph.D states that the measles vaccine has probably eradicated much of the wild measles infection. Then she asks: But is this a good thing? Answering her own question with a firm ‘no’ she explains that in eradicating the wild measles infection we are also putting an end to something else, something precious and this is maternal immunity. Dr Tetyana adds that we are actually […]

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Harare’s Herald lauds Zimbabwe’s HPV vaccination programme

This week in Mutare, Zimbabwe, First Lady Auxilia Mnangagwa launched the National Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination programme. The vaccine is to be given to over 800,000 girls between the ages of 10 to 14 in an attempt to alleviate the country’s growing cervical cancer rate. However in light of the fact that there is no proof that HPV vaccines have ever prevented a single case of the disease any decrease […]

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