Archive for November 2017

What’s up with Gardasil?

My interest in the issue of Gardasil and cervical cancer began after a routine Pap smear revealed my cervical dysplasia in the 1980s. I remember being afraid that I might go on and develop cancer but fortunately I didn’t. From then on I have followed the cervical cancer story. Along the way I learned that vaccination science was not what I had previously thought or been taught. A great lecture […]

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Anti-vaxxers ‘extremely dangerous’, says leading scientist

The anti-vaccination movement gaining traction across the world is “extremely dangerous” and more of a threat than an asteroid strike, according to a highly respected British physicist. Professor Brian Cox added that anti-vaxxers, climate change sceptics and other groups which discredited science were the biggest danger to civilisation.  There are thousands of vaccine-injured children who are suffering after their tens of vaccines. They and their parents may beg to differ and […]

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