Archive for October 2017

New DVD shines light on toxic aluminium adjuvants

Injecting Aluminium  a new documentary by French journalist Marie-Ange Poyet, investigates the history of aluminum in vaccines and its potentially devastating effects on the human body. SYNOPSIS: In the early 90s, a mysterious muscular disease with symptoms that included severe muscle and joint pain began to surface among multiple patients in France. A team of doctors in Paris discovered that these patients had developed a new disease called Macrophagic Myofascitis, […]

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Easy to learn breathing technique: A life saver

It was encouraging to read Heart’s Gas Boost  by Lucie van den Berg in the Herald Sun October 16, 2017. Survivors of cardiac arrest are to take part in a ‘world -first’ trial where they will have their blood levels of carbon dioxide increased in an attempt to lessen damage to the brain.  The increased levels of the gas achieved by the use of a ventilator will result in greater […]

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ABC’s Media Watch bullies Northern Rivers newspaper into changing its headline

  The Northern Star has been in the business of bringing news to the people of the Northern Rivers since 1876. It’s about us  page informs that it focuses strongly on readers, with stories told through the eyes, ears and mouths of local people. And that’s what it did when it ran ‘Teen left in wheelchair after Gardasil HPV vaccine ‘reaction’. However the story about teenager Olivia Odey now has a new headline ‘Teen’s […]

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Before HPV there was common sense

The idea that a virus could cause cervical cancer is a relatively new one. In 1977  German virologist Harald zur Hausen claimed that the human papilloma virus – HPV known for causing warts could also cause cervical cancer. From then on all common sense flew out the window. Why and how the focus changed from an understanding of cervical cancer as a disease associated with social and environmental conditions  to a […]

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A comprehensive evaluation of the overall impact of aluminum on human health is overdue

‘A decade since the launch of the vaccine a book questions the claim it prevents cancer,’ wrote Carolyn Moynihan as she began her review of my book Gardasil: Fast-Tracked and Flawed published in August in MercatorNet. Her review was fair with her concluding paragraph: Lobato concludes her book with an appeal to the media to do their job and give the public the fuller story about the HPV vaccine. You […]

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